I strongly oppose violence against women and condemn such heinous actions. This includes instances of Andrew Tate engaging in or advocating physical, sexual or verbal abuse. This article focuses on his reasonable views on women.
The Internet’s new role model for masculinity has exploded into popularity in recent months.
With his newfound fame, he carries some strong opinions about relationships and handling women. The media paints Andrew Tate as a violent and possessive partner. Some stuff is obviously misogynistic, but some stuff is reasonable.
The reason for his cancellation is that he threatens the global feminist movement that advocates women are equal to men.
Andrew holds sentiments representing a long-term sexual strategy conflicting with the Western climate of degeneracy and debauchery.
However, that’s not the subject of this article.
What I want to do is look behind the mask. To explain Tate’s desires using evolutionary psychology and how it aligns with the innate desires of any other man. In some instances Tate resorts to threats and violence to fulfil his desires which is an expression of his hypermasculinity (see this article).
Andrew Tate’s demands for complete loyalty
The fact that the top G demands complete loyalty from his women is an assertion of the male’s primary need for infidelity. The ferocity of it stemming from his hypermasculinity.
“Men regard unfaithfulness as the least desirable characteristic in a wife, rating it a –2.93, reflecting the high value that men place on fidelity” – [1]
The need for fidelity wouldn’t be so strong unless mates remained faithful.
Catalyst (That’s me)
Today’s sexual climate worsens this ancestral need as temptation and distraction is ALL AROUND US.
Men in our ancestral past who were blind to their partner’s movements, behaviors and sexual infidelities had their paternity jeopardized. Therefore, it’s not “controlling” when Andrew Tate wants his women inside and not speaking to other dudes as seen in the following clips of this video.

Vigilance as mate guarding
Vigilance is a mate guarding tactic which focuses on restricting the movements of your partner. The opinion below is an example of Tate’s desire for his women to stay home.
On Facebook in 2018, he bemoaned the “decline of Western civilisation” after seeing a poster at Heathrow airport “encouraging girls to go on holiday as opposed to encouraging being a loving mother and a loyal wife”. [3]
Concealment as mate guarding
Male beetles release a scent that reduces their mate’s attractiveness, preventing other males from noticing the female or making it more likely that other males will search for unmated females – [1]
Whilst not as badass as the male beetle, humans likewise use concealment tactics. Concealment manifests itself through avoiding contact with potential rivals.
“I inflict, I expect, absolute loyalty from my woman,” he says. “I ain’t having my chicks talking to other dudes, liking other dudes. My chicks don’t go to the club without me, they are at home.” – Andrew Tate [2]
Most men today wouldn’t impose seclusion on their women in the home, which is normal (mainly because they can’t). Andrew Tate in his hypermasculinity shows an exaggeration of his masculine ideals.
The reality is that every man seeks to ward away infidelity albeit not as fiercely as Tate.
“In no culture did women desire chastity more than men did ” – [1]
NOTE: in this context, chastity = fidelity
Cut the hysteria over Andrew Tate. Ya’ll got bigger fish to fry
Critics of Andrew Tate are frightened that he is instilling misogynistic ideals in vulnerable young men.
Domestic violence, workplace sexual harassment, hookup culture, alcohol, porn, music industry, sport. These are modern cancers that pose a bigger threat than Andrew Tate (click me for more cancers). The Top G’s fame may or may not be fleeting but it doesn’t matter. His individual influence pales in comparison to the evil these systemic issues bring.
Andrew Tate shouldn’t be feared because he’s instilling misogynistic ideals. He is just embodying the sentiments of every man alive.
By analyzing how Andrew Tate’s actions reflects the reality of the male sexual psychology I am in NO WAY justifying his instances of physical, sexual or verbal abuse.
Using violence to uphold fidelity is not being a man but being a zaytoon. There is a difference between safeguarding woman’s interests and thus preventing her from harm and imposing complete authority over women. The former is honorable and chivalrous. This is Andrew Tate’s persona. The latter is typical of a heartless tyrant.
I must reiterate I strongly oppose violence against women and condemn such heinous actions. This includes instances of Andrew Tate engaging in or advocating physical, sexual or verbal abuse. This article has focused on his reasonable views on women.
[1] Evolution of Desire – David Buss
[4] – Andrew Tate on Feminism
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